Raise the Roof Appeal – Phase 2.
We continue to be amazed by the generosity of our parishioners and friends who have contributed to our Raise the Roof Appeal. THANK YOU!
Phase 2 work will begin this spring, which will include:
- Rectory: Windows, Doors, Upper Patios, Masonry, HVAC repairs, Ceiling Repairs, Ventilation
- Garage: Man Doors, Electric, Paint and Repairs
- Site: Storm Water & Piping, Concrete Work for Curb and Sidewalks, Asphalt work & Retaining Wall
Unfortunately, there has been an increase in cost of materials and labor that will be added to the original Phase 2 Goal.
The need now to reach our Phase 2 Goal is estimated at $283,400.
Our original Facilities Assessment will assist you in understanding the scope of the work that has been done so far and for this spring.
A copy of our original mailer can be found here. Please all the Rectory Office at 814-864-0622 or email kjeffreys@stgeorgeerie.org if you have any questions.