Marian Ministries

World Apostolate of Fatima – Blue Army Cadets

Blue Army pilgrimThe goal of the Blue Army Cadets at Saint George Church is to lead children to Mary and she will then lead them to God. We promote 5 first Saturday Masses and encourage children to participate as readers and cantors. The Blue Army meets with children and families the Third Thursday of the month to pray the Rosary at a parishioner’s home.

“For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;
behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.”
(Luke 1: 48)

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of Catholic men and women aimed at deepening their own spirituality and offering services to their pastor to aid him in performing spiritual works in the parish. They meet as a group every Tuesday morning after 8:30 am Mass. They are always eager to welcome new members.

“The Mighty One has done great things
for me, and holy is his name.”

Rosary Society

cross, book and candle on wooden backgroundThe men and women of the Rosary Society at Saint George Church pray the rosary daily. They meet once a month for a regular meeting followed by Benediction and rosary. Their ministry is in addressing the needs of the church.

“With all prayer and supplication,
pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.”
(Ephesians 6: 28)

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