Parishioners of Saint George Church are welcome to serve our parish liturgical celebrations through a number of Liturgical Ministries. The support of the Laity in the life of the Mass is paramount to the quality of our worship.
Altar Servers
An Altar Server is a member of the assembly who assists the priest and deacon during the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. Altar servers should be active and full participants in the celebration with the understanding that they are first and foremost members of the assembly. The altar server expresses this by singing, praying, and keeping silence along with the rest of the assembly.
Altar Servers are expected to have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist as well as are in the fourth grade or older. Additionally, altar servers are expected to be appropriately prepared and committed to giving their time and talent to their parish community, and willing to serve God’s people. They should be able to understand the Eucharistic celebration and the other sacred rites. Altar servers, like other ministers at Mass, receive God’s help for their important service.
For more information, contact:
Fr. Chris Beran
Phone:(814) 864-0622
Email Here
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion serves the assembly at the most sacred moment when Christ is present in the Eucharistic elements. Those who are called to this ministry are called to a special love and care for the Eucharist and for all who share in the Body and Blood of our Lord. Adults and teenagers who have been Confirmed are invited to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Saint George Church.
“Let me nourish your people with the
witness of my life as I feed them with the
body of Christ.”
Individuals who give their time and energy in preparation for the celebration of the Mass as well as other functions in the church. Sacristans also distribute the low gluten host at their respective Mass assignments.
Ushers are a sign of familiarity and stability for the worship community of Saint George Church. Their role is one of hosting with warmth, friendship, respect and with a true attitude of service. Usher are assigned with consideration for their Mass preference and availability.
A lector is a person who proclaims the Word of God during the Mass. The Lector also assists with the reading of the general intercessions.
Proclaim the Word
(Timothy 4:2)
Music Ministry
The ministry is divided into four areas: normal weekend and holiday liturgies, school liturgies, funerals, and weddings.
Saint George’s Music Ministry has four choirs: The Georgian Adult Choir, The Resurrection Choir, The Schola Choir, and The Children’s Choir. These vocal ensembles aid the Parish throughout the liturgical year with our normal weekend, school, funeral, and holiday liturgies.
Our Ministry is always looking for participants such as cantors and musicians that would like to engage in our activities, rehearsals, events and liturgies in a part time or full time basis. Our doors are always open for new members of our choirs and musicians that will enhance our prayer and worship.
Remember that singing in mass is like praying twice.
Bereavement Ministry
The men and women of the Ministry of the Bereaved at Saint George Church meet with families at the time of the member’s death to assist them with the funeral Mass decisions. This includes proper funeral mass readings, music and other considerations. Bereavement Team members provide a healing presence to those who are going through the difficult process of burying their loved ones. Team members also assist in setting up the church for the funeral mass. Training is provided for this vital ministry.
“Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.”
(Matthew 5: 4)
Liturgical Monitors
Saint George has a unique opportunity that is not offered at many churches. The church has several large screens to assist parishioners through the mass as well as run announcements before and after mass. They are also used for special masses, services and events to enhance the worship experience. If you have skills in basic technology and would like to lead the church through the Mass by managing the Mass slides, we are looking for you!
Contact Form
If you have an interest in any or all Liturgical opportunities please fill out and send this form. Our Rectory office will forward your form on to the proper person(s) and they will be in touch with you!
Contact Us